Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's the Little Things

Big gestures in niceness can be great. But, I'm finding that day-to-day, there aren't necessarily opportunities for that to happen. And, this morning, as I sip coffee, I realize that smaller gestures can add up and matter perhaps even more.

For instance, my husband gets up every morning and turns on the coffee for me (he doesn't drink it). Sure, I could set the timer the night before, but I can't always predict when I'll want it to be ready. It's a sweet, small way for him to say "I love you." Every morning I appreciate it.

So, today, the third Tuesday of NICE HAPPENS!, I urge you to find little ways you can be nice, and also look for all the little ways others are nice to you. Whether it's letting someone pull out in front of you in traffic, or getting something off a high shelf at the grocery store, or noticing when someone does the same for you . . . and saying "Thanks."

Try it.
